Apr 2017
The Power of ASPEC
No. 1 in the “That’s How” Series
Each article in this series will answer one question that will be something like, “How can ASPEC (fill in the blank) for me?” The blank might be “automatically calculate a probability of winning,” or “know what skills I should be practicing on this opportunity.” The reason we need a series to answer these simple questions is that ASPEC can do so many things for you that you’ve previously had to do yourself, and probably never considered that your CRM could do them for you.
The corollary to “how” is “why”. Why can ASPEC do what others can’t? The answer is because it was designed to do it. There are four very significant patents that explain the how (links are at the end of this post if you’re interested), and ASPEC is the only CRM system that applies these to your portfolio of sales opportunities so that you win more.
ASPEC does this in two ways. First, our unique technology uses a universal sales methodology to understand the environment of every sales opportunity and then follows it constantly, assessing progress, identifying pitfalls, providing guidance, and assigning an intrinsic value to set and update a priority within your entire portfolio of opportunities. You always know where you are in each sales cycle and what you need to do to maximize your success. We call this computational selling.
Second, because ASPEC does all of this automatically, you save time to do real selling. 20% to 30% of your sales day, in fact. That’s like getting two or more extra hours every day. Imagine your productivity with that much extra time.
For this to work, you have to trust the system. And to trust the system, you have to understand how it does these things and believe it does them right. That is the purpose of this series.
Here are some of the topics we’ll cover:
- How can ASPEC help you plan your day for the most success? Or plan your week?
- How can ASPEC create the most accurate and consistent forecasts for you and for the entire sales team? And how can you run your forecast meetings to take advantage of this?
- How do you quickly and easily deep dive into any opportunity and test your understanding of the situation? And how do you apply that information to increase your chance of winning?
- What do you do when the sales cycle suddenly changes and you find yourself in uncharted territory?
- How do I know what to work on right now, and why ASPEC already knows this?
- How do I know when to start trying to close the sale?
- How can I get actionable information and analysis?
We’ll start in the next article with creating the sales cycle, show you how ASPEC does that, identify the knowledge and advantage it gives you, and explain why you can believe it.
Or, you could go here and here and here and here to read the four patents in their entirety. That’s only about 80,000 words, maybe 300 or so pages of technical and patent legalese.
That’s how.